These are not 'done' - just merely experiments. These guys, though.....YTM - they deserve success - they have the talent, they are willing to put in the work - and popularity doesn't concern them - something I am REALLY big on!
I shot these guys this Saturday, and I am currently playing around with look & feel + mood, to find the right concept for them. They're a punk cover band focusing on The Stranglers right now.
Thanks for a great time guys!
Portfolio//Skuespiller//Steffen Nielsen
Steffen Nielsen er en af mine gode venner. Super fyr, fantastisk skuespiller - jeg har set i reklamer, at han kan køre bil med en pose over hovedet. Spøg til side. Hyggelig dag, hyggelig opgave, lækkert vejr. Et par øl i solen bagefter. Her er et af style shotsene. Jeg skød omkring 130 RAW, og gætter på, at en høj procentdel holder, så vidt jeg lige kan ane.